The Best Chocolate Cake Ever

Vegan chocolate cake! The BEST chocolate cake you will ever eat! Now for those that know me, please stop rolling your eyes as I have not turned vegan. Actually, chances are you have eaten this at my house and not even known. I have been making this cake well before I even knew veganism was a real thing.. at least 12 years! If you are sceptical, I beg you to try it and get back to me. If not, you are missing out! It’s finished off with a glossy vegan ganache.



3 cups self raising flour

2 cups caster sugar

5 tablespoons cocoa

1 cup vegetable oil

2 cups water

2 tablespoons white vinegar


1 ½ cups icing sugar

2 tablespoons cocoa

2 tablespoons vegetable oil

1 tablespoons water


Preheat oven to 170 fan.

Mix all the cake ingredients together and mix well. Once combined, pour into a non-stick cake tin that you have sprayed with non-stick oil spray.

Bake for approximately 50 minutes (please keep an eye on this as cook times differ from oven to oven and tray to tray)

Meanwhile mix all the ganache ingredients together and set aside (covered with cling film)

Remove cake from oven and allow to cool before pouring the ganache on top.

Enjoy! It’s so easy, affordable to make and so so yum!

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