Cauliflower, Potato and Apple Soup

Cauliflower, Potato and Apple Soup. This is a great recipe for Autumn/Winter – where there seems to be an influx of these veggies.

1 Cauliflower – cut into medium sized pieces
2 Medium sized Potatoes, cubed (I used pink ones)
2 Medium sized Apples, cubed
1 cup of Cream
1 Onion, diced
2 cloves of Garlic, minced
4 Tablespoons chicken stock powder (no animal product based)
1/4 Cup parsley – chopped
1.5 lites water
Salt & pepper
25 grams butter
Olive Oil

In a heavy based saucepan, drizzle in some olive oil and add the butter to melt. Add in the onions and garlic, sautee until fragrant.

Add in the cauliflower, potatoes and apples. Add in the stock powder and water. Cover with a lid and allow to simmer away until all the ingredients are soft, Add in the parsley and blitz until smooth. Add in the cream and salt & pepper to taste.

Serve immediately with whatever you heart desires. Croutons and Cheese are an amazing accompaniment for this soup, plus some parsley to garnish.

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