I am
Helen Korakianitis
The Greek Vegetarian.

Adelaide foodie | vegetarian | flexitarian | Cooking demos | catering | Food Blogger.

My Story

Love for Food

Food brings people together. It can express thanks, love, admiration, appreciation and give you a hug from the inside. Food tells the story you want to deliver without judgement or pre-conceptions about what it’s going to be. Good food leaves you feeling not only nourished from what you are eating but nourished within your soul, as it should. 

The Greek Vegetarian was born when I woke up one day and for some reason couldn’t eat my favourite dish that my mum lovingly prepared for me. I tried the next day and the day after that and for some reason, by body just said no. That was close to two years ago now and I haven’t looked back since. I used to think that vegetarian and vegan food was boring… I couldn’t have been more wrong. Documenting my journey on my food blog “The Greek Vegetarian” was my way of showing those who were interested, that food only has to be delicious… that’s all it has to be regardless of its ingredients. As a non vegan/vegetarian, you can use dishes found on my blog as a starter by adding further protein to them to make it your own. 

The Greek Vegetarian showcases food from all different parts of the world as I just love experimenting with the variety that all the cultures of the world has within it. We have so much produce available to us to use in the form of fresh food and an array of herbs and spices that can transport you to the other side of the world in an instant!

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